11 januari 2020

Beyond Nashville (10 januari 2020)

David Munyon and Mary's Band - Cafeteria Blues; Caroline Spence - Hotel Amarillo; J.D. Hutchison - Another Fools Café; 5 Chinese Brothers - She's a Waitress (And I'm in Love); Sam Otis Hill & Co. - Ballad of the Kirkland Cafe; Tom Russell - The Night the Chinese Restaurant Burned Down; Meg Tennant - Sunny Shore Cafe; Lilly Hiatt - Jesus Would've Let Me Pick the Restaurant; Hamish Imlach - Goodbye Booze; Joy Williams - Hotel St. Cecilia; The Robins - Smokey Joe's Cafe; Carrie Newcomer - Betty's Diner; Reg Meuross - Phil Ochs & Elvis Eating Lunch in Morrisons Cafe

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